October 2017
Bohola National School Parents Association Newsletter
October 2017
Welcome to our new school year everyone!!
Bohola Parents Association would like to welcome back all families and extend a special welcome to all new families enrolled this year.
What has The Parents Association been up to.
Parents Association are working with Bohola National School and Karina Dingerkus from the gardening club to develop a sensory garden on the grounds of our school. A sensory garden is a safe place for pupils to use when they need a quiet space and develop their senses in an outdoor classroom. This project is at the early stages and will be ongoing over the next few months. You will be kept updated.
The first three items are 1) Outdoor blackboard. 2) Outdoor Sensory board. 3) Raised shrubs. It is hoped to have these items set over the coming weeks. If any parents would like to volunteer their ideas and/or services please feel free to contact a member of the Parents Association.
Dancing Lessons have commenced on Mondays at 3pm with Patricia Redmond from Redmond School of Irish Dancing.
They are a huge success as they have full numbers and the children are loving the lessons. If you would like your child to be added to the waiting list contact 087-0505773. Special thanks to Tara O’Brien for her commitment with this.
“Buddy Bench” A Buddy Bench is used in schools to help children who for various reasons haven’t a buddy to play with that day. You can sit on the bench if you are new to the school, want to make new friends, want to play something different than what your friends are playing or just need a break. The buddy bench removes the anxiety and allows the child to be approached by new friends and included in their play. We are delighted that a buddy bench is on its way to Bohola School. Special thanks to Eurospar Swinford, Derek and Lynda Kennedy who have sponsored the Buddy Bench for us.
The success of the cash for clobber collections in the school, The Parents Association have organised a cash for clobber clothing bank at the school. All unwanted clothes and textiles accepted, no pillows, duvets or cushions please. This will help fund ongoing projects throughout the year. All support greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Gayle Commons for her work with this.
Christmas Cards - This year we will be arranging the professional printing and sale of personalised Christmas cards. Your child can submit their own artwork, which will be done in class. Every child will then get a professionally printed “sample card”. If you like the sample card you then order your packs of 10 cards. Each child’s name will be on the card.
Parents Association have set up a new Facebook page. All parents are welcome to become friends with our new facebook page. updates or information that the committee need to share with all Bohola School Parents will be on our new page. This facebook account will only be open to parents and guardians of children in Bohola National School. Special thanks to Mickey and Imelda Ivers for setting this up. Find us at www.facebook.com/groups/695937383929164
***** Save The Dates*****
Disco. The Parents Association are holding their annual Halloween disco in Bohola community centre on Friday 27th of October from 6-8pm. €3 per child or €10 per family. Music, raffle and spot prizes on the evening. Refreshments for children. All children must be accompanied by parent/guardian.
Lots of FUN promised. ALL WELCOME.
We are holding our AGM for all parents and guardians on Monday 23rd of October at 8pm in the school hall. As a parent or guardian of a child in this school you are automatically part of the Parents Association. Research has shown that when parents are involved in their child’s educational life, their children achieve better outcomes through their school years. It’s also a great way to meet new people. Please come along to find out more about the Parents Association and discuss any thoughts you have. We look forward to meeting you there.
We would like to thank Mrs.Mulligan for all her support .
Thanks for reading this letter,